Today we went to see the swift group 1 who did there own monologues that they had written and then performed this is what I thought of them.
Each one of them must have found it difficult to perform them especially as some as them had to pretend to be a different person or to see a different point of view, like Michelle who had to pretend to be a lesbian and really showed and gave the audience the true feel of her emotions and how a real lesbian might feel.
Sioben was the first to go and her monologue was about her leaving her boyfriend because he used to get drunk and beat her. Seeing as she was the first one to go she was very confident and also looked at the audience as she went. Seeing as she had to make it up from scratch she showed real emotion and it felt like she meant it.
Grace was the second person to go and her monologue was about her family and her mum had left her and her dad. This is quite a difficult topic to do anyway and she showed real confidence and she also light housed the audience.
Charly was the third person to go and she did about going to the dentist. Seeing as this is a small topic but its a thing everyone hates she made it seem really scary and she showed her characters emotions really well.
Owen was the fourth person to go and he did about proposing to his girlfriend but she ran away or had died. He was good with his confidence but his emotions weren't very good. He didn't act as if his girl friend had just run away. His confidence was really good though.
Michelle was the fifth person to go and she had to pretend she was a lesbian. She fancied this girl who had a boyfriend and her parents had kicked her out because of it. Her confidence was okay and she didn't walk around at all. She did light house the audience and her emotion was really good.
Ryan was the sixth person to go and he was pretending to be an actor who didn't like a script that had come to him so he rang his agent and when his agent told him how much he was going to be paid he took the job. Ryan was really good with his confidence and also I think enjoyed his character he played. He was a little over the top though.
Febienne was the seventh person to go and she did a dark monologue about her meeting a witch that gave the man of her dreams. She was good because she acted out bits and she gave real emotion. I liked hers a lot.
Sarah was the eighth person to go and her confidence was good but she repeated her self a lot and she didn't have very good emotion.
They were all good in their own ways and there confidence was amazing. Im glad we watched them.
Friday, 10 December 2010
Friday, 26 November 2010
Casino Royale

On the 26th November 2010 the creative and media group went to see a group of Btec level 3 higher diploma do a performance. It consisted of different kinds of dancing, acting and singing.
The stage was decorated to look like a casino and in the middle was a huge roulette table with a raised middle.
The show consisted of lots of songs like "Hey big spender" by Shirley Bassey, "Money" by Abba and "Diamonds are a girls best friend" by Marilyn Monroe. There were also lots of dancing from different cultures. There were Indian dancers, there was a jive between four couples and a romantic dance between a couple. There was also lots of singing and music from musicals.
The presenter was also very good and really got the audience going and made them laugh. He also connected with the audience and talked to them.
All in all the whole show was really entertaining and made the audience laugh. It was a fun show for everyone because there was parts were you could laugh, there were parts that could be very sad and parts that were just plain silly.
I don't think there was anything really bad about the production. Some of the actors could have spent a bit more time learning the timings because some of the actors who were dancing sometimes bumped into other dancers and it was slightly messy.
I would recommend it to everyone who likes a good laugh and a good time. Also seeing as they were students they were very good and seemed like proper professionals.
Friday, 19 November 2010
Thursday, 18 November 2010
Evaluation of culture show camera work
On the Sony A1E Camera I found out many different ways of improving the exposure of the camera.
On the camera i checked the exposure. There is a button that tells the camera to be manual exposure or auto exposure. I also checked the white balance of the camera. I did this by finding a button on the camera screen called Pmenu. When I had done this I found another button called menu and standard set. I then found something white and pointed the camera at it. I then pressed the assign button and set it to one push. It was then set to white balance. These things helped the exposure and will also help me in the future when I use the cameras next.
The composition is the placement of objects in the frame.
Rule of thirds
The rule of thirds is placing the object along one of the four equally spaced intersecting line. Referred to as the centre of interest.
Horizontal Lines=Stability in a shot
Vertical Lines= Strength in a shot
Diagonal Lines= Sense of dram in a shot
Looking space
Empty space where the subject is looking/facing/talking.
Less constricted
Very important for giving the auidence an awareness of space in a photo or film.

The composition is the placement of objects in the frame.
Rule of thirds

Horizontal Lines=Stability in a shot
Vertical Lines= Strength in a shot
Diagonal Lines= Sense of dram in a shot
Looking space
Empty space where the subject is looking/facing/talking.
Less constricted
Very important for giving the auidence an awareness of space in a photo or film.
Thursday, 4 November 2010
Bus tour and Birthplace tour 22/10/10
Bus Tour
On the 22nd of October the students from the Stratford College Creative and Media course took advantage that they were in Stratford and went on two tours. The first tour we went on was on the big red open topped buses. We started near the river and we went through all of Stratford. We got some headphones and when we plugged them in a woman talked to us about all the sights that we were seeing.
The tour on the bus was good but the information from the headphone lady wasn't brilliant. It had some music in the background as we drove from location to another location and at times it would play over the top of the voice recording and other times it would stop halfway through playing. Also the voice recording sounded fairly old, even if it might not have been! It would jump and skip and also fuzz quite often. The voice recording was quiet and even when you pressed to turn it up a bit it was still fairly quiet. It didnt help that it was windy as well seeing as I sat at the very back.
The bus journey was cold but apart from those few minor problems it was good. The information was good though and well thought out. Even when there were gaps where the bus was moving from place to place and the music wasn't playing, the voice recording would tell you about the modern day roads and what they would have used to be and when they were made and who they were made by. For instance the Fosse Road that we travelled down on the bus was made by the Romans and that why the road is completly straight.
When we got of the bus at the end, I think everyone had enjoyed it because people were talking about the bus journey and what they had seen. Apart from it being cold, it was good fun and I had a good laugh.
The Birthplace Tour
After the Bus tour and after we had all got something to eat, we went to Shakespears Bithplace. This was the second part of the tour. We walked into the reception and we had to watch a television screen where there was information about Shakespear and his plays and about how famous they have been and who had played his characters in his plays, which had been turned into films and television.
Two doors then opened and we went into a dark room where an overhead projector showed us about Shakespeare and when he was born and what it was like to live in the times when he was born.
In the middle of the dark room there was a fake tree and around the room cartoons of Shakespeare's Stratford. It made you feel like you had actually gone back in time. We then walked into another room where there was a big model of London town and the globe and when the video told us about the globe burning down because of a play that Shakespear put on, the model lit up and looked like it was burning.
We went into another room where there was another video of all the plays that Shakespeare ever put on. From plays in Stratford to Films and Television series.
We then walked into the Birthplace gardens and into his house. A women was standing in the room in traditional costume from when Shakespeare was born. She told us some facts about the house.
We then moved along into a guest room. Because this room would have been the warmest room in the house it was the guest room. Shakespeare's father used to make gloves and so we went into the room where he would have made them and sold them as well. The staff at the Birthplace made the gloves so they weren't perfect but they gave you a pretty good idea of what they would have been like.
We then climbed up the stairs in to two rooms. The first room was where you could see Shakespeare's work up close. There were also windows that had been saved where famous people who had also come and visited the Birthplace had scratched in their names. For example Charles Dickens. The next room was another bedroom. A bed would have cost a lot in those days so if you had a lot of beds it showed you were very wealthy.
The next room was Shakespeare's parents room and where people think Shakespeare was born. It was a fairly big room, for it held a double bed and a cradle and toys for the children to play with.
The Birthplace tour was better then the Bus tour because the staff at the Birthplace were dressed up in the traditional clothing, they also got us interacting with the tour so it made it more interesting for us as students. We also learnt a lot because they told us information in detail.
I think the staff at the Birthplace were very good and helpful and I think them dressing up made it more fun to see.
All in all both tours were good but the best one was the Birthplace tour. It was more interactive and it was fun to learn things in a new way.
On the 22nd of October the students from the Stratford College Creative and Media course took advantage that they were in Stratford and went on two tours. The first tour we went on was on the big red open topped buses. We started near the river and we went through all of Stratford. We got some headphones and when we plugged them in a woman talked to us about all the sights that we were seeing.
The tour on the bus was good but the information from the headphone lady wasn't brilliant. It had some music in the background as we drove from location to another location and at times it would play over the top of the voice recording and other times it would stop halfway through playing. Also the voice recording sounded fairly old, even if it might not have been! It would jump and skip and also fuzz quite often. The voice recording was quiet and even when you pressed to turn it up a bit it was still fairly quiet. It didnt help that it was windy as well seeing as I sat at the very back.
The bus journey was cold but apart from those few minor problems it was good. The information was good though and well thought out. Even when there were gaps where the bus was moving from place to place and the music wasn't playing, the voice recording would tell you about the modern day roads and what they would have used to be and when they were made and who they were made by. For instance the Fosse Road that we travelled down on the bus was made by the Romans and that why the road is completly straight.
When we got of the bus at the end, I think everyone had enjoyed it because people were talking about the bus journey and what they had seen. Apart from it being cold, it was good fun and I had a good laugh.
The Birthplace Tour
After the Bus tour and after we had all got something to eat, we went to Shakespears Bithplace. This was the second part of the tour. We walked into the reception and we had to watch a television screen where there was information about Shakespear and his plays and about how famous they have been and who had played his characters in his plays, which had been turned into films and television.
Two doors then opened and we went into a dark room where an overhead projector showed us about Shakespeare and when he was born and what it was like to live in the times when he was born.
In the middle of the dark room there was a fake tree and around the room cartoons of Shakespeare's Stratford. It made you feel like you had actually gone back in time. We then walked into another room where there was a big model of London town and the globe and when the video told us about the globe burning down because of a play that Shakespear put on, the model lit up and looked like it was burning.
We went into another room where there was another video of all the plays that Shakespeare ever put on. From plays in Stratford to Films and Television series.
We then walked into the Birthplace gardens and into his house. A women was standing in the room in traditional costume from when Shakespeare was born. She told us some facts about the house.
We then moved along into a guest room. Because this room would have been the warmest room in the house it was the guest room. Shakespeare's father used to make gloves and so we went into the room where he would have made them and sold them as well. The staff at the Birthplace made the gloves so they weren't perfect but they gave you a pretty good idea of what they would have been like.
We then climbed up the stairs in to two rooms. The first room was where you could see Shakespeare's work up close. There were also windows that had been saved where famous people who had also come and visited the Birthplace had scratched in their names. For example Charles Dickens. The next room was another bedroom. A bed would have cost a lot in those days so if you had a lot of beds it showed you were very wealthy.
The next room was Shakespeare's parents room and where people think Shakespeare was born. It was a fairly big room, for it held a double bed and a cradle and toys for the children to play with.
The Birthplace tour was better then the Bus tour because the staff at the Birthplace were dressed up in the traditional clothing, they also got us interacting with the tour so it made it more interesting for us as students. We also learnt a lot because they told us information in detail.
I think the staff at the Birthplace were very good and helpful and I think them dressing up made it more fun to see.
All in all both tours were good but the best one was the Birthplace tour. It was more interactive and it was fun to learn things in a new way.
Thursday, 14 October 2010
BBC Culture Show:Acting:Ulysess and Penelope
Linda Marlowe explores the world of Ulysess and Penolope by looking at two different theatre productions of the story.
The first theatre production she looks at is done by The Royal Ballet of Flanders. The story is about Penelope and her wait for Ulysess to return home from war. The Mise- en- scene in this particular story is very dark colours and a plain back drop.
The stage is only filled with one table at the back and a couple of boxes for the dancers to stand on and leap off from. On the table there is a record player and they play love songs, rock songs and classical music out of this to show how Penelope feels at that moment in time. The stage is constantly dimly lit because the story is a depressing one and it shows how Penelope would have been feeling. The dancers and actors wear very plain clothes. The women wear black dresses and nothing else apart from Penelope who wears a crown to symbolise the fact that she is the queen of Greece. The men wear Plain black suits apart from one person who comes along the stage wearing a white tutu and some white flippers and nothing else. The camera work in this paticular shot is a long shot so you can see what is happening in the back ground, but the shots do change from being long to going to a medium shot to even a close up of just Penelop standing in the background.
In the next theatre production Linda looks at a puppet opra version of the story of Ulysess and Penolope. Its about Ulysess dieing and Penolope being extreamly upset. The puppets are made out of wood. The colours are much brighter in this version. The main colours are reds, silvers, golds. The back drop is one of big grand pillers and greek furniture. The lighting is bright but sometimes can go very dim. Penelope wears a sliver top and a red skirt and Ulysess wears stripy Pyjamas. In the shot there is a bed and a small bed side table and that is it. The shots are usually Long shots but sometimes they go to medium shots.
The sounds in this clip are mainly diegetic sounds, but when Linda speaks over the top of the clip then they turn from being diegetic to being Non- diegetic sounds.
When the dierectors and producers of each show are being interveiwed the camera is usually medium shot apart from the end when Linda has a close up. This is because that way you are concentrating more on what the director or producer are saying rather then looking at the background.
Behind Linda you can see the sea because she is on a greek island and lots of big rocks. The colours are bright but they have bits of gray in them most likely because of the editing and the camera shots.
At the end when Linda gets a close up they do this because she is giving her final conclusion about the two plays and this adds more effect.
Linda Marlowe explores the world of Ulysess and Penolope by looking at two different theatre productions of the story.
The first theatre production she looks at is done by The Royal Ballet of Flanders. The story is about Penelope and her wait for Ulysess to return home from war. The Mise- en- scene in this particular story is very dark colours and a plain back drop.
The stage is only filled with one table at the back and a couple of boxes for the dancers to stand on and leap off from. On the table there is a record player and they play love songs, rock songs and classical music out of this to show how Penelope feels at that moment in time. The stage is constantly dimly lit because the story is a depressing one and it shows how Penelope would have been feeling. The dancers and actors wear very plain clothes. The women wear black dresses and nothing else apart from Penelope who wears a crown to symbolise the fact that she is the queen of Greece. The men wear Plain black suits apart from one person who comes along the stage wearing a white tutu and some white flippers and nothing else. The camera work in this paticular shot is a long shot so you can see what is happening in the back ground, but the shots do change from being long to going to a medium shot to even a close up of just Penelop standing in the background.
In the next theatre production Linda looks at a puppet opra version of the story of Ulysess and Penolope. Its about Ulysess dieing and Penolope being extreamly upset. The puppets are made out of wood. The colours are much brighter in this version. The main colours are reds, silvers, golds. The back drop is one of big grand pillers and greek furniture. The lighting is bright but sometimes can go very dim. Penelope wears a sliver top and a red skirt and Ulysess wears stripy Pyjamas. In the shot there is a bed and a small bed side table and that is it. The shots are usually Long shots but sometimes they go to medium shots.
The sounds in this clip are mainly diegetic sounds, but when Linda speaks over the top of the clip then they turn from being diegetic to being Non- diegetic sounds.
When the dierectors and producers of each show are being interveiwed the camera is usually medium shot apart from the end when Linda has a close up. This is because that way you are concentrating more on what the director or producer are saying rather then looking at the background.
Behind Linda you can see the sea because she is on a greek island and lots of big rocks. The colours are bright but they have bits of gray in them most likely because of the editing and the camera shots.
At the end when Linda gets a close up they do this because she is giving her final conclusion about the two plays and this adds more effect.
Thursday, 7 October 2010
The Auditions
On Friday the 1st Ocotber the Creative and Media Diploma group went to veiw a group of students practising for a show that they have to do in a couple of weeks time.
It started of with a short monologue from a student. She was very good apart from the occasional muttering of the word 'Prompt' because she had forgotten her line/word. The next group of students who were two girls did a preveiw of their little show they were going to do. They pretended that one of the girls sisters had given her a book all about boys and how to break up with them and let them know you like them. They did a funny bit where one of the girls pretended to be a boy and the other themself and they tested some of the things in the book. This sketch was very funny and the girls only used the word 'Prompt' if not at all. The next little preveiw was a girl doing a monologue but because the girl who was meant to be doing it wasn't there she couldnt do it very well and so she stopped.
There were more preveiws and they were all very good and gave us insight into what else you can do in the college and the Creative and Media course.
The purpose was not only to practice their parts but to also show us what we could all be doing. They were all very good, some better then others, and some really shocked us and made us laugh.
They of course could have been better if some of the people that were meant to be there had been there because then it would have been better but it was still good, and made me really want to do something like that aswell.
I woud give it 5/10 because they were only practising but even though they were they tried their hardest and battled along and some i thought were brilliant.
It started of with a short monologue from a student. She was very good apart from the occasional muttering of the word 'Prompt' because she had forgotten her line/word. The next group of students who were two girls did a preveiw of their little show they were going to do. They pretended that one of the girls sisters had given her a book all about boys and how to break up with them and let them know you like them. They did a funny bit where one of the girls pretended to be a boy and the other themself and they tested some of the things in the book. This sketch was very funny and the girls only used the word 'Prompt' if not at all. The next little preveiw was a girl doing a monologue but because the girl who was meant to be doing it wasn't there she couldnt do it very well and so she stopped.
There were more preveiws and they were all very good and gave us insight into what else you can do in the college and the Creative and Media course.
The purpose was not only to practice their parts but to also show us what we could all be doing. They were all very good, some better then others, and some really shocked us and made us laugh.
They of course could have been better if some of the people that were meant to be there had been there because then it would have been better but it was still good, and made me really want to do something like that aswell.
I woud give it 5/10 because they were only practising but even though they were they tried their hardest and battled along and some i thought were brilliant.
Friday, 1 October 2010
Events in Warwickshire in October 2010
Events in Warwickshire 2010:
Peter Pan the pantomime is on at Coxs Yard from the 2nd-4th of October 2010.
It starts on Saturday 2nd of October at 2.00 Pm at Coxs Yard in Stratford. There are no age restrictions so anyone can go. You have to order the tickets online but you can also get them at the door on the day of the performance but they don't start selling them until 1.15 Pm.
Vampires Rock is on at Leamington Spa on the 3rd October 2010.
The country's only musical rock theatre does another tour round England. A twist with a bit of rock and comedy. Jam packed with a load of anthems we all know and love. Music includes We will Rock you, Sweet Child of Mine and Bat out of Hell. Tickets going fast so book now.
Haunted Halloween is on at Kenilworth Castle from Thursday 21 October - 31st October 2010.
Go to the doomed dungeons and see the past come to live. See ghosts and Ghouls. Kenilworth's younger visitors will be taken to solve the halloween mystery. With the trail over they have to report to the dungeon master to receive a small sweet prize.
TELEPHONE: 01926 852078
Peter Pan the pantomime is on at Coxs Yard from the 2nd-4th of October 2010.
It starts on Saturday 2nd of October at 2.00 Pm at Coxs Yard in Stratford. There are no age restrictions so anyone can go. You have to order the tickets online but you can also get them at the door on the day of the performance but they don't start selling them until 1.15 Pm.
Vampires Rock is on at Leamington Spa on the 3rd October 2010.
The country's only musical rock theatre does another tour round England. A twist with a bit of rock and comedy. Jam packed with a load of anthems we all know and love. Music includes We will Rock you, Sweet Child of Mine and Bat out of Hell. Tickets going fast so book now.
Haunted Halloween is on at Kenilworth Castle from Thursday 21 October - 31st October 2010.
Go to the doomed dungeons and see the past come to live. See ghosts and Ghouls. Kenilworth's younger visitors will be taken to solve the halloween mystery. With the trail over they have to report to the dungeon master to receive a small sweet prize.
TELEPHONE: 01926 852078
Monday, 27 September 2010
The Hole in 3D. (12A)
On the 25th September Me and my friend,Jade, went to the Apollo in Leamington to see the Hole in 3D.
The film was about a family of three, Susan (mum) and her two sons (Dane and Lucas). They move to a rather sleepy little town called Bensonville and the only thing Dane likes about it, is their next door neighbour, Julie.
When the boys decide to explore their new house, they find a creepy hole in their basement. Julie comes round and looks into the hole with the two boys. They soon realise that because they have looked into the hole their worst fears come out of it and chase them. The whole film is about them figuring out how to get rid of the hole and how to get rid of their worst fears with it.
The aim of the film was to make a kids horror film that was still scary but wouldn't give kids nightmares about it for weeks on end. The reason they shot it in 3D was because they wanted it to be extremely life-like and also because every new film coming out is shot in 3D.
I think the film achieved these aims really well. When Jade and me went to see it, we were scared and even though it didn't scare me afterwards like most horror films i've seen, it scared me while watching it. The film is very sinister and depressing. The audience was mainly 14-15 year old's with some parents and their kids. I think the audience was impressed by the film because while it was playing the cinema was silent and after it had finished there was a buzz about the film and a lot of the people were talking about it and how good it was.
I think maybe to make it better the director (Joe Dante) could have made more sinister things for the characters to be scared of. Apart from that the film was brilliant and I would recommend it to anyone who likes a good childrens horror film.
The film was about a family of three, Susan (mum) and her two sons (Dane and Lucas). They move to a rather sleepy little town called Bensonville and the only thing Dane likes about it, is their next door neighbour, Julie.
When the boys decide to explore their new house, they find a creepy hole in their basement. Julie comes round and looks into the hole with the two boys. They soon realise that because they have looked into the hole their worst fears come out of it and chase them. The whole film is about them figuring out how to get rid of the hole and how to get rid of their worst fears with it.
The aim of the film was to make a kids horror film that was still scary but wouldn't give kids nightmares about it for weeks on end. The reason they shot it in 3D was because they wanted it to be extremely life-like and also because every new film coming out is shot in 3D.
I think the film achieved these aims really well. When Jade and me went to see it, we were scared and even though it didn't scare me afterwards like most horror films i've seen, it scared me while watching it. The film is very sinister and depressing. The audience was mainly 14-15 year old's with some parents and their kids. I think the audience was impressed by the film because while it was playing the cinema was silent and after it had finished there was a buzz about the film and a lot of the people were talking about it and how good it was.
I think maybe to make it better the director (Joe Dante) could have made more sinister things for the characters to be scared of. Apart from that the film was brilliant and I would recommend it to anyone who likes a good childrens horror film.
Friday, 24 September 2010
On Friday 24th of September some Yao Chinese performers came to Stratford-Upon-Avon to perform a little bit of their act to the students of Stratford College.
The event started off with the Yao performers singing some cultural songs from China. Then the rest of the Chinese group went off the stage and two men came onto the stage with a green pole and started doing acrobatics. They lifted each other up using the green pole. Then they asked if any of the students would like to come on the stage and have a go at pushing the Chinese men into a wall. One of the students came out of the audience and tried to push one of the Chinese men but he ended up being beaten by the Chinese man. Then another student came out from the audience and tried to push one of the Chinese men and he managed to push the Chinese guy into the audience. TWICE!!
The audience were shocked at the performance and enjoyed it. The audience got involved in the singing and clapped along with the music. When the two Chinese men came out with the green pole they were a bit weary and also curious about what was going to happen. When the men started to do the acrobats then they really clapped and were really quite impressed by the performance. When the two boys came out of the audience then there friends started cheering them on and got really involved.
You could tell that the audience really enjoyed it because there was a buzz afterwards and people were saying bye to the performers.
They came over to Stratford to show the people their culture and what they enjoy. I think the students liked their culture and thought about the Chinese the culture more.
I thought it was good but a bit weird. It made me want to know a bit more about the Chinese culture but not to much. The singing was nice but i enjoyed the acrobatics more, because it was really exciting and it was unusual. They portrayed the culture really well and it must have been hard for them to show their culture to a load of students who didn't have much idea about the Chinese culture. I enjoyed it very much and I would love to find out more about the Yao culture.
Wednesday, 22 September 2010
Blog one: Cinema
Hi guys me again :)
So today I went to the cinema and saw a film. Well what else do you go to the cinema for. I couldn't think of another media event in such a short amount of time, so the cinema it was.
The film I went and saw was a film called Cyrus. Lets just say it was pretty rubbish.
The main characters were played by some pretty big comedy actors. John C Reilly, Jonah Hill, Marisa Tomei and Catherine Keener.
The story line is about a guy (John C Reilly) who has divorced from his wife but there still really close. His wife after seven years has decided to re-marry and of course John who is played by John C Reilly isn't very happy about this. His ex wife (Catherine Keener) and her partner persuade John to go to a party where they try and make him get a girlfriend, but when he cant find one he decides to get very drunk. He goes out into the garden where a woman (Marisa Tomei) called Molly starts talking to him and of course they fall in love. One night though when she leaves early he decides to follow her home and in the morning he goes and knocks at her house, where a young lad (Jonah Hill) comes outside and introduces him as Molly's son. John finds out the young lad is called Cyrus and that he and Molly were bestfriends and so she sort of took him in.
Cyrus invites John to stay over the night with him and Molly and so of course John says yes. The next morning John wakes up and gets ready for work, when he cant find his pair of shoes he left in the living room the night before. He asks Molly and Cyrus where his shoes are and they say they don't know where they are.
The film sort of moves on then and Cyrus says he will move out of the house Molly and John are now living in and decides to rent himself a room. Cyrus asks Molly to pack up all his stuff for him but because Molly is at work John packs up Cyrus's stuff and finds his missing shoes hidden in Cyrus's closet.
From there on the film is about Cyrus and John fighting to get Molly to believe them. Molly always believes Cryus so she has difficulty trying to decide who's telling her the truth. It ends up with John leaving Molly and getting his flat back and Cyrus coming round and saying sorry about all the stuff that's happened between them and how Molly is really upset about whats happened.
The camera shots were very different, sometimes they would be a little blurry, they would keep zooming in and zooming back out at random times.
All in all i didn't like the film but I think for people who like the actors and who like those kind of plots then its a good film to see. Its a very short film so its good for someone who wants to catch a quick flick.
The story line didn't do it for me and i found bits where I was falling asleep.
I would give this film a 5/10 because I think there were bits that were funny, and sweet but I didn't like most of it.
So today I went to the cinema and saw a film. Well what else do you go to the cinema for. I couldn't think of another media event in such a short amount of time, so the cinema it was.
The film I went and saw was a film called Cyrus. Lets just say it was pretty rubbish.
The main characters were played by some pretty big comedy actors. John C Reilly, Jonah Hill, Marisa Tomei and Catherine Keener.
The story line is about a guy (John C Reilly) who has divorced from his wife but there still really close. His wife after seven years has decided to re-marry and of course John who is played by John C Reilly isn't very happy about this. His ex wife (Catherine Keener) and her partner persuade John to go to a party where they try and make him get a girlfriend, but when he cant find one he decides to get very drunk. He goes out into the garden where a woman (Marisa Tomei) called Molly starts talking to him and of course they fall in love. One night though when she leaves early he decides to follow her home and in the morning he goes and knocks at her house, where a young lad (Jonah Hill) comes outside and introduces him as Molly's son. John finds out the young lad is called Cyrus and that he and Molly were bestfriends and so she sort of took him in.
Cyrus invites John to stay over the night with him and Molly and so of course John says yes. The next morning John wakes up and gets ready for work, when he cant find his pair of shoes he left in the living room the night before. He asks Molly and Cyrus where his shoes are and they say they don't know where they are.
The film sort of moves on then and Cyrus says he will move out of the house Molly and John are now living in and decides to rent himself a room. Cyrus asks Molly to pack up all his stuff for him but because Molly is at work John packs up Cyrus's stuff and finds his missing shoes hidden in Cyrus's closet.
From there on the film is about Cyrus and John fighting to get Molly to believe them. Molly always believes Cryus so she has difficulty trying to decide who's telling her the truth. It ends up with John leaving Molly and getting his flat back and Cyrus coming round and saying sorry about all the stuff that's happened between them and how Molly is really upset about whats happened.
The camera shots were very different, sometimes they would be a little blurry, they would keep zooming in and zooming back out at random times.
All in all i didn't like the film but I think for people who like the actors and who like those kind of plots then its a good film to see. Its a very short film so its good for someone who wants to catch a quick flick.
The story line didn't do it for me and i found bits where I was falling asleep.
I would give this film a 5/10 because I think there were bits that were funny, and sweet but I didn't like most of it.
Introduction :)
Right hi, my names Charlotte Birch and i'm doing this blog for college.
I will be doing blogs about media events and other things aswell and just giving you an idea of things i recommend you go and see and others you really don't want to bother with.
I will Blog soon :)
Charlotte x
I will be doing blogs about media events and other things aswell and just giving you an idea of things i recommend you go and see and others you really don't want to bother with.
I will Blog soon :)
Charlotte x
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